Cell Phones and Other Personal Items: 

Students at Burgess are permitted to bring cellular telephones to school for safety reasons (walking to and from the bus), but use of any such device during the school day is strictly prohibited.  All cellular telephones must be turned off during the school day and stored in the child’s backpack.  Please be advised that any cellular telephones that are visible or sounds during the school day—which includes riding on the school bus—will be confiscated and must be claimed by a parent/guardian.  Taking cell phone pictures is not allowed at any time.  Burgess Elementary School assumes no liability for lost or stolen items.  Bringing cellular telephones to school is done so at your own risk.  Personal items and toys with the potential to cause harm to others and/or distract from learning are not permitted on school property, including, but not limited to, toys, electronic devices, iPods, iPads, beepers, and trading cards.